The Higher Road

Well, this could be partly funny. . . I have two callings/jobs at church. One is to teach in the women's group on Sunday and one is to team teach in Sunday School with Mark the Marriage Relations class. OK after you stop chuckling or laughing out loud for that matter. . . We've taught for 4 weeks already
and have had fun. Luckily you don't have to be perfect to teach! Anyway, on Sunday we were talking about a covenant marriage verses a marriage that would easily be thrown to the side once you don't get what you want. We were discussing the characteristics a long-term marriage. During the discussion (which was wonderful) one of the sisters said that 2 years into her 21 year old marriage she and her husband hadn't fought really (she's a very kind, easy going woman so I really believe her). One day her husband was late for something and was really apologetic about the difficulty that it brought them. She was a little miffed. Then she realized that she had this sense of power over him because of his mistake. She said that she really didn't like that feeling of power over her husband. She at the time thought that it was inappropriate to have that kind of a feeling in her marriage. She felt that is was unfair to their relationship to hold something over his head and would hurt the marriage she loved and valued. I had the biggest lightbulb moment!!! Think about it. She could have held this moment over her husband's head for a minute, day or year and gotten this or that from doing it. She would be right, right? And then notice the strength of character she had at her young age to recognize how hurtful her own thoughts and actions could have been. Her potential actions could have become abusive. But she would be allowed in the eyes of many because her husband messed up. Instead, she took the higher more respectable road. Mark and I have been talking about this very thing in a family setting for several months and really over the years. We've tried to hash out how wrong this felt in the relationships in our lives. I now had the opportunity to apply it in my own heart. Anyway, take it however you want but this wonderful, wise pure-of-heart woman hit a major point. Major. I am sooooo grateful to have been there to hear it. Priceless.
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