Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Savior of the World grew in his mortality like all of us. He learned of His position in the pre-existence. He learned of His life's mission. He learned of His strengths and weaknesses. He learned of His Father in Heaven. Like him, his called Apostles, great men of the pre-existence, were bound in their learning by their mortality. They were already men of God and lovers of good. They were already hardworking contributors to their societies. They were already  obedient. So when the Lord called them, they left their nets and followed the Son of God the 3 year mortal journey that would culminate in moments that they could never had imagined.
In the tender days before the Savior's Gethsemane, Crucifixion and Resurrection, Jesus counseled, comforted and guided these amazing men.
11 of them were devoted to the Lord's work. The path that they walked  was froth with persecution and mortal uncertainty.Yet they stayed faithful. They asked questions. They soaked in information and worked with the torturing which sometimes included the loving chastisement of their Master.
So when I read about their struggles, knowing that these were of the greatest of the Sons of God in the pre-existence, I find a lot of comfort in my own life. I know that I am a daughter of God, saved for these last days. I know that I married a great man and have amazingly strong children with life's missions that are of the elect. Yet in all of this we struggle. We struggle in our faith. We struggle to shake the evils of the culture of the day while trying to enjoy the good around us. We struggle to prioritize our relationship with our Savior and our Father in Heaven above the perceived demands of every day. 
Jesus told his disciples that He was preparing them for what was to come so that they would not be "offended" during the events of the last 3-4 days of the Savior's mortal life. In this He meant that He didn't want them to be surprised, or mislead. In "Jesus the Christ" by Talmage we read: "These things had Jesus declared unto them that they might not 'be offended,' or in other words, thatk by surprise, misled, and caused to doubt and stumble by the unprecedented events then impending." (see page 207) He recognized their newness in their testimonies and that they had not received the Gift of the Holy Ghost yet. They were to face great persecutions themselves and would need to make in through the horrible treatment of the Son of God without getting arrested themselves. They had a great work to do. 
So when Jesus walked with them to Gethsemene and asked 8 of them to wait and watch yet they fell asleep in the late hours of the night and the very great and future presidency who went further with him would do the same, he lovingly recognized their mortality. He His role in suffering the pains of the world on His own.
Jesus Christ prayed. He suffered. His leaders slept off an on watching and later recording what they saw and heard their Master accomplish there in Gethsemane.
Likewise over the next several days, they would live through what they had been told about but found very unsettling. They struggled with their understanding. They waited, prayed and wondered at the circumstances that they found themselves in. Some even briefly went back to their trade of fishing until their resurrected Master visited them and called them out of the world.
These great men, would serve as the leaders of Christianity. They would serve our their days sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They braved travels, hunger, and persecutions all of the rest of their days and they were faithful.
So in all of this I find comfort. There is for me (and for every single person on this planet!) a life plan. We get to choose, like the disciples of old, whether we will follow our Savior. We get to choose every day the path we walk that day. If we find that we really turn to the Savior and stop debating about what we think should happen and how it is to be accomplished, we find a sureness in our soul. We find that our emotions are more in control and our strength is increased. Doubt seems to signify our weakness in faith. We all battle it as a mortal challenge having no real knowledge of our pre-existence so looking to something to guide us.
Isn't is a gift of all gifts to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ with the living ordinances to guide and protect us? Isn't it the foundation of our strength, knowing that our Savior, Jesus Christ knows us like his great disciples and works with us in like fashion? 
I know that my Savior lives. He is there at the door waiting every minute of every day for me to let Him in. He teaches me. He guides me. His comforter lifts me up. His light seeks to fill my soul. The things in my life happen and will happen just as in the Savior's life things happened that were good and hard. I know that I need to decide how I will handle those things instead of working so hard to change or control the challenging events.
These are the last days. I love them. I love being here for them. I rejoice in the great challenges of the continued battle for the souls of myself and my brothers and sisters. These are the days that try men's souls and I get to witness it all and strive to make a difference. I sure hope I'm as faithful as the great men and women of the past who faced their mortal blindness, built their testimonies and  followed the Savior of the World.

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