Sunday, February 12, 2012

Testimony vs Conversion

OK this is really interesting to me. I have understood the difference in definition for forever! :) But after this last week, I hadn't thought about it in this way:
I find that I can have a testimony of many principles and many things in this life. I know that certain things are true. I have felt the Spirit tell me. I live these principles the best I can and go through life day in and day out believing that certain things will bring happiness or safety or whatever I can apply that knowledge to.

Until I am converted to that principle and have it written on my heart, I will have a great possibility to sway from that principle at some time. But with real conversion, I have found that I can't deny the truth of that principle.

I understood this best when we were at a RS evening event and talking about VTing:
VTing and having a testimony of it can mean that you make your visits every month and you might even have a lesson every time.
But being Converted to VTing would mean far more. You'd learn to love those you visited and talk to them often to see how they were doing and pray for their well being. You'd have them as friends not just a task to check off once a month but someone to have fun with, invite to be a part of your life.
Big difference, huh? I've done both. There is a huge difference in how well things go in either case.

I have applied this in the past to other principles like repentance, tithing, fasting, prayer, service, fulfilling callings, scripture reading, and on and on. Some of these things I just really know in my heart and can't deny their significance. Now other principles are there in fact and even in testimony for me but I really don't have a full conversion. I don't have them written on my heart like the others.

Life is a process. So I will have opportunities to work on this. Just thought that it was so obvious and so well described last Thursday night. Great job ladies!

2 Chronicles 34:31 "And the king stood in his place, and made a acovenant before the Lord, to bwalk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and his testimonies, and his statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul. . ."

Helaman 15:7 "And behold, ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as are brought to the knowledge of the truth . . . and are led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a achange of heart unto them—"

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